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how much is one gram of red mercury


Red Mercury is one of the most expensive ingredients on Earth where the gram reaches millions of dollars, the red mercury is called the Philosopher’s Stone, the most famous among all kinds of mercury, because he believes that he is used in witchcraft and in the recovery of young people, and all those uses that the human mind cannot conceive, is a name used for the compound of mercury, which is red due to the presence of iodine, is used as an anti-syphilis medication in the past and is still used as a treatment in some countries for some Skin problems and lighten the skin color.

The debate is still going on on the red Mercury issue, and maybe the curse may have reached him from the old time. No wonder the Pharaoh’s secrets are endless, but as to what is rumored about his relationship with witchcraft, it is a thing of no health and the charlatan uses this a lie to sell at the highest price, and what the Soviet Union published from the Myth of red mercury and the nuclear bomb is open to all that there is no evidence of its authenticity and that what was called the red mercury of the Soviets is only A form of enriched uranium has been camouflaged and covered using the red Mercury name.

This does not preclude the possibility that it could be used in some weapons, but the use of red Mercury was a disguise that made this mercury a very required substance. The price of red mercury is very high and amounts to half a million dollars per gram.

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